Write a song to me and I want to you take me fly away, show me who is the happiness. And then, when we going to be on the most biggest mountain, you will give me a kiss, and we will be togethers, no matters with the time, no matters with our hearts, we going to be the middle of the other. I going to help you to breath, I will going to be perfect for you.
And in this place, we going to finish our lifes, togethers, like we always dreamed, like always I would to finish...
How ever, it's impossible, becouse you don't want it, and I'm not so strong to build that dream. If he just give me a hand, if he just have a little dream like me.
Please, one thing, don't destroy my soul, don't break my hope, don't let me stop to breath, don't stop the train, don't let me down.
He never knew about love, how feel a woman love.
Si, logré hacer un texto en inglés. Tendrá sentido?, We never know...